
19 November, 2013

Not Enough Lap for the Nap...

If only my legs were longer! But even if they were, the boys will not fit on my lap for much longer. They have been with us four days and we are so glad we adopted two at the same time. Aaron and I were talking about how much more work it would be to have just one puppy, but since they play so well together, we can leave them to play when we have to go do chores and not worry. We trade off time with them and usually in the evening we both are with them for cuddling and a bit of play. Tomorrow they will officially be allowed to play hard and go outside because their surgery scars are healing so well and quickly. We will take them tomorrow to the backyard of the studio for some outdoor fun time. We have so much work to do around the farm, that it will be good not to have to run back to the house to check on them every so often. And it's especially important for them to get out in the sunshine and fresh air. I have also found a great location for puppy kindergarten and doggie daycare. The boys will need training and socializing and there's a place in town that has classes for the puppies and also doggie daycare for Wiley.

Wiley is slowly getting used to the puppies. He gets treats for greeting them without any barking and when I'm in with them and he's sitting watching, I tell him how good he's being and he wags his tail at that. I've also started practice training with Wiley in front of the puppies and they are FASCINATED. It is a great thing for all three- Wiley loves to show off and the puppies are so curious about him. They seem to be fast learners and when I fed the tonight they both sat while I was cleaning their bowls. Of course, once I got the actual food out all hell broke loose and they couldn't contain their excitement.

Aaron is still comfortable with his pup's name, Atticus. I have been calling my pup Loki but everyone seems to think it's because of the recent Thor movie and so I am loosing interest in that name. I'm already tired of people assuming I've named Wiley after the cartoon character. I should change the spelling of his name to what I wanted originally- Wily. He's named for the behavior, not the cartoon character. Anyway, the other names I am thinking of for my pup is Sawyer (for Tom Sawyer) and Argos (for Odysseus' dog). I like the sound of them both and think my puppy would 'wear' either well. Any opinions? Let me know in the comments!

In other farm news, Wanda is now situated in the lower section of the barn and seems pretty good with being there. She was not happy that it didn't have outdoor access, so I created a small run for her. I'll take a photo and post it tomorrow. Oh and the coolest news is that she has laid two more pinkish eggs! I'm so proud!

The other hens are doing really well and now that they are on healthier, organic feed I can see a difference in their eggs and appearance. The ones who were loosing feathers are actually growing back some fluff! They are all looking plumper and have become more active too. Aaron would like to get broiler chickens. Depending on the breed, it can take just six weeks for a hen to be ready to be eaten. I love the idea of raising chickens for food and processing them ourselves… or as I like to say, "murdering our chickens". I just think if you are going to eat meat and have the opportunity to raise your own food- that's the way to go. I know not everyone can, but it makes me feel proud to think I can raise happy hens in the healthiest way possible and process (murder) them in the most humane way possible. Every creature on the farm has a job and a role. The chicken is amazing because she fulfills so many of those roles: egg producer, bug eater, fertilizer maker, entertainer, and finally, dinner.

Yesterday we had our parents and Aunt Norma and Uncle Jeffrey come for a visit. Aunt Norma and Uncle Jeffrey are on their way down to Florida. They drive every year and so were able to come and check out the farm. They enjoyed it and I look forward to having them back in the spring to see all the changes. We went for lunch together in town and though our favorite spot- 7 Sense- is closed on Mondays, we had a pretty good meal at Crawdaddy's across the street. The puppies were left alone for the first time and Wiley was left in the backyard of the studio. I gave him a toy and water of course, but I was worried and nervous the whole time about all three dogs. The puppies were fine…. Wiley got out. We don't know how he did it- the whole place is fenced in and the fences are tall. But he was waiting for us in the driveway when we returned. I will NEVER leave him in the backyard of the studio again. I am grateful that he's been on the farm long enough to know it's his territory, but it still freaked me out.

Aaron has been hard at work cutting up the fallen tree with his new chainsaw. It's hard work, but he's doing a great job and I think enjoys it. We will have A LOT of firewood now for the fire pit so come down for a visit soon! I'll be sure to have plenty of drinks and s'mores fixin's ready.

The studio is getting really close to me being able to permanently move up there. The only thing that is really keeping me from doing so is we can't seem to get the gas heater to work. We think the pilot light needs to be cleaned, so that's on the list for tomorrow's chores.

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