
31 August, 2013

Strike that, reverse it...

So after all that worry about starting this business on my own, Aaron has decided to work with me down in Tennessee instead of on his own up in Ohio. I don't know when he will permanently move down here, but he did promise to come and babysit the farm, Wiley, the chickens, cats and the Guinea fowl. Not that the Guineas need much babysitting.... they feed themselves and put themselves to bed. I'll need him to at least come down for a week so I can go to my friend's wedding back up in New York City in October.

The latest news on the farm is that the inspector looked over the property and spent hours there. He was extremely nit-picky and I was glad for that. I wanted to hear every little detail about the property so that I could know what needed to be worried right away about and what could wait to be worried about down the road.

The financing is lining up and should not slow us down from owning this property. In the end, I will own the property with my parents and eventually buy their share when I'm able to. There is something about the idea of having my own space, that is truly mine for as long as I live, that takes my breath away. I can't yet grasp it.

One of the cool things about having Wiley with us when we went to the farm to meet up with the inspector, was to see how happy he was to be on the farm. He was doing that funny doggie laugh that they do when they are excited- that "heh heh heh" sound. When the Guinea flock saw him they erupted in a cacaphonous explosion of squawking and flapping. A few even charged us, but still kept their distance. The chickens, on the other hand, were happily clucking away until they saw Wiley and then they quickly quieted down. They all did keep watch on him, like the Guineas did.

A few of the barn cats were hanging around- I'll post some photos from my phone. They saw Wiley and basically could care less about him. One, a Himalayan looking cat, could barely keep her eyes open with Wiley just a few feet away. Another cat- a sandy colored cat- stood in the barn door watching him warily. I got the feeling that the cat would not run if Wiley charged, but instead would have beat him up. Wiley noticed both cats, but wisely pretended to not care.

I'm glad Aaron is going to be working with me down here. I'd love to see us get the business to a point where he can open up a second location up in Columbus. I know how much he loves his life up there and all his friends there.

I understand how hard it is to leave the home and friends you love.... I just did it.

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