
15 August, 2013

Being Flexible

Well, well, well. That lovely property on Kennedy was bid on and the bid was accepted before we could even say we wanted it! What a bummer.

But we didn't let that get us down. We looked over the other listings and found a few to go and see. We have a system where we check the listings and then map a course to go look at them before we even make an appointment with the agent. Some places we can just look at and know it won't work. I liked a few places but knew they would not work because they were both too hilly and had too many trees. We want trees, to be sure, but we do need a large open pasture for the greenhouses. They don't do so well in the shade.

We are going to see a great little farm halfway between Knoxville and Nashville. The price is right, the size is excellent, and the living situation is just want we need. So we'll see how this pans out. I am trying not to get too worked up over it because at any moment a bid from someone else could be accepted and we will have to keep looking. I know the right place is out there. I do hope we find it soon though.

Living with my parents again at 38 is a strange thing. I could not have done this ten years ago. I don't think I would have had the patience. The hardest part of the situation is that I cannot sit Wiley down and explain to him that he doesn't need to freak out at every noise my father makes. Every time my Dad bangs on something, raises his voice, laughs loudly, or sneezes loudly; Wiley responds. Sometimes he barks, sometimes he jumps up, and twice he's run up and "nosed" my Dad. Which sounds less threatening than it is. My father will surprise Wiley by getting up quickly or making a loud noise and scaring him. Wiley, if I don't have a hold of him, will jump up and bark and run to my Dad and put his nose and mouth right at his calf. This, for Wiley, is a threatening move. Basically, it's Wiley's way of controlling the situation. No nipping has occurred, but I'm not taking chances. Wiley is back on leash at all times, getting tons of praise and treats from me and my Mom for good behavior, and he's getting mandatory time-out or "quiet time" for a few hours during the day. My Dad is trying more to be involved but it doesn't come naturally to him.

I think it was unfair and short-sighted of me to give Wiley too much freedom too fast. I want to always set him up for success and I think I was too optimistic. I should have know better- I know this dog better than anyone. He needs time to adjust and very strict rules to follow so that he is comfortable and can relax. He needs lots of positive reinforcement for good behavior- he's so smart it doesn't take much to get him to understand what is expected of him. The challenge is to keep him engaged. Overall he's been really good and super happy. He rolls in the grass every chance he gets and chases bunnies- or tries to- and digs in the dirt. He enjoys sitting outside with my Mom while she gardens.

Anyway.... that's what has been going on with Wiley.

What about me? Well, I'm living in what amounts to my parent's basement, but really it's just the lower level since they live on a steep hill and I have my own entrance. What I don't have is my own bathroom- yet. They started re-doing the bathroom to make it safer for the elderly visitors and it's still being worked on. So for the past two weeks I've been hoofing it up three flights of stairs to shower. I can't complain- at least I have a shower to use.

That's about it for now. I'll update with some photos of the farm we are going to see tomorrow.

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