
27 August, 2013

Doo dee doo... la la la!

The roller coaster that is buying a property! Whoo-wee! I am glad and very grateful that I have my parents to help me and guide me. The property is still due to be inspected and all that jazz, but it will be another full week till we know for sure if the property will be ours. My brother has gone back up to Ohio and is looking to start up an operation there. We are still both planning on starting an aquaponics business but he has come to the realization that his heart is in Ohio. And after much discussion, I have decide that mine is not and that I would rather stay down here in Tennessee.

We are all very up and positive about it, with a few worries from my Father. He's a bit of a natural worrier, (as am I), so my Mom and I listen patiently to his concerns and let him get all his stress off his chest. Once he does that, he feels better- as we all do when we are able to vent our stress and worries without judgement.

Once of the most exciting things about moving to Cookeville is that the Beekeeper Association in that area is really well organized and pretty big. AND the yearly conference for all of the beekeepers across Tennessee is IN COOKEVILLE! It's this September 27th and 28th. I'm going to it and am really excited. I will be wide-eyed and full of questions and smiles and looking to make friends with everyone! (Which is how I operate most of the time nowadays anyway)

The other exciting thing is that I'm going to be taking a week long aquaponics course in Southwestern Tennessee at a wonderful place called Today's Green Acres. You can check out the website at:Today's Green Acres I spoke with the owner, Randy today and I'm looking forward to learning everything he's willing to teach me. The class will be small- no more than 35 people. I found him through the Friendly Aquaponics website. It's a company founded by a husband and wife team out of Hawaii. They are wonderful and lovely people! Check out their site and videos here:Friendly Aquaponics. You will be inspired and (hopefully) will want to start you own aquaponics system!

So in general news, my Mom's birthday is this Thursday and tomorrow morning we will be making our favorite cake: Carrot Cake. My Mom's carrot cake recipe is HEAVEN. Over the years she has perfected it and we will be making it a day ahead of time because as we all know, carrot cake needs a day to rest. Sigh.... And next month for my birthday, we'll do it again! (At least, after I get back from my training program and bee conference)

Tonight I went with my father to the local South Appalachian Nature Photographer's meeting- or SANP. My Dad is the Membership officer, so he has to be there every meeting. This month the speaker was an extremely talented and successful professional photographer named Byron Jorjorian. He has published works in National Geographic, Outdoor Photographer and Time Magazine. He has has over 11,000 images published! Check out his work at: Byron Jorjorian. He's awesome and not only a talented photographic artist, but also a very good public speaker. I enjoyed the presentation very much and was inspired to be more creative, which brings me to the next topic...

I'm going to join my Mom's quilt guild- called Smokey Mountain Quilt Guild- and enter the next big quilt challenge. It's got some strict rules: no less than 30" but no more than 60". It must be black and white with a splash of one color. Not more than that one color and not too much of it either. It's due in November, so I better get a move on. I have sketched out a few ideas... and I think I've settled on a field of goats. I can use tons of embellishments and the pattern/design is my choice. I'm thinking of doing a crazy quilt of all white fabrics and then do some appliqué of the goats outlined in black with embroidery stitching in green for the grass. We'll see... wish me luck!

Last but not least, I am reading Neil Gaiman's Smoke and Mirrors. It's a collection of his short stories and if you like his style, you'll enjoy it.

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