
26 November, 2014

Guinea Wake-up Call

For the past few days the guineas- all 18 of them- have been starting their morning sing-along at 5:30 AM. Ocassionally it starts at 5 AM. That sets off the ducks, which then wakes up the chickens and soon everyone is making annoying noises and the sun hasn't even risen yet. Eventually, just before sunrise, they all quiet down and I think, "Ok, I can get 20 more minutes of sleep." But no, I can't because that's when I start to hear Carl snoring. Remember Carl? FIV positive? One half of the Goon Squad? He, along with the other cats, lives in the barn. I've set up a bed for him in my gardening cart and it's as if the whole barn is an amplifier and he's right there in the room with me snoring his little heart out.

I love my animals but at 5:30 in the morning I often wish I could go Terminator on them all and just get a bit more sleep.

Anyway, here are some photos:

Happy Wiley getting some love from Aaron.

Carl kept sleeping in the duck's nest and they couldn't scare him off. I made a more appealing bed for him in my gardening cart. 

Carl just hanging out in front of my studio.

The Goon Squad naps under my new pine tree in the duck yard.

Sunset from the back field, next to the old barn.

Aaron playing around with the panoramic feature.

Atticus in the tall grasses.

My Barred Rock was the first of the Chicklets to start laying eggs. We now have 3 of the 6 girls laying.

The pretty chicken and Carl one evening. She was sitting next to him but stood up the minute I opened the door to snap this photo. We now call this chicken the Nipper since she nipped me on the hand pretty bad the other day.

On the left is the Barred Rock egg. On the right is  the Ameracuna. At first we thought it might be a duck egg because she laid her first one in the duck nest. But her second was in the chicken nest box, so we knew it was not a duck egg.

Wiley and Atticus at the front door waiting for Aaron to come home.

Our garlic beds.

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