The latest news from the farm is that our resident Dude (a la The Big Lebowski), Carl, has recently taken a magical voyage as a pirate captain! I was able to take a photo before he shipped out:
Now, I know what you're probably thinking. You're probably thinking, "Hey! That's not a cat in a pirate ship! That's just a cat in a trough in a field!" And on the surface of it, you'd be totally correct. BUT! (Stay with me here-) what you cannot see is that Carl, like all cats, has the power to travel to other dimensions through time and space. And we humans being slovenly, loud, and more concerned with fruitless concepts like jobs and mortgages instead of much more (in the cat's worldview) important activities like licking our butts, napping in the sun, and, of course, traveling through space and time to other dimensions.
So, as you can now see, Carl is not actually staring at the bottom of that trough. In fact, this is just the beginning of an awesome adventure that will rival the greatest adventure stories of all time! With the power of his mind he is re-creating that trough into a pirate ship and the surrounding field into a vast, tumultuous ocean. And outfitting himself in a tiny pirate outfit which includes (of course) a tiny parrot that will sit on his shoulder and I suspect (knowing Carl) that he'll name it Snack-For-Later.
Upon his (no doubt) triumphant return I will relay the (no doubt) epic adventure.
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