
03 November, 2013

Cleaning up and tossing out

Today I got up very early and started cleaning out the lower section of the red barn. I decided not to do any painting in the studio today because my hand was aching all night from holding the paint roller. The ones we purchased are so heavy- maybe they are all like that? Definitely not made for people with small hands and previous carpal tunnel surgery. Anyway, I thought I'd focus on one task- to clear out the lower section of the red barn to get it ready for moving Wanda there. She can't stay where she is now- the yard is nice and all, but it would be nice to have Wiley be able to be outside and fenced in. Also, when it starts getting really cold, that set-up won't be enough for her. And since she's my pet, I want to keep her somewhere sheltered and warm and convenient for me to be with her.

As a side note, I wore my new overalls and flannel shirt from Duluth Trading Co. I am really enjoying them and I think I want more. Even though Duluth Trading Co. clothing is pricey- a tad more than LL Bean stuff- it's really well-made. Made to last! So, worth the money I think. Doing this sort of work in overalls makes tons of sense.

I cleared out all the junk- there was a lot- from that lower section all morning. Then I took a break and had eggs that the girls had just laid. I got 7 today! I went back to work and moved all the junk and garbage into the storage shed. We still don't have a garbage can from the company we signed up with, so we have to store our garbage. It sucks. If I don't get a can tomorrow, I'll have to take everything to the dump this week. We cannot go on like this! The junk is truly junk- broken chairs, lamps, a broken fan.... Once I separated the garbage and the junk, I piled everything that could be recycled into my truck. That took a long time. But there's a drop off point not far, so that's nice.

Wiley has become more and more manic in his chasing of one of the cats.... Lucy. Poor, scared Lucy. She's the other half of the Goon Squad and though her brother Carl interacts with Wiley in a very smart way; Lucy always bolts and so then the chase is on. He can't help himself- it's part of his doggie ways. He sees a small animal running and he must give chase. I'm worried now that if he catches her, he will hurt her. And it happens mostly in the morning while I am doing my chores and I can't keep an eye on him. He's also still fond of making the Guiena fowl panic and today he almost caught one. I was very upset and he was very happy. I think the only reason he almost caught one is that it got panicked in a corner and froze for too long. Almost as an afterthought Wiley tried to nip the bird... but was unsuccessful thankfully.

That's about the long and short of it.

I will say that one of the things about living here is that I keep feeling like people here really STARE. I get this feeling of icy, judging inspection from a lot of people. It's mostly from people when I am in the main town and not in the old part of town. You'd think that people in the south are really friendly- or at least act like it- but that's not so true. Maybe I'll spend more time in Sparta. Perhaps people there are less judgy.

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