For example: I adopted a Golden Retriever puppy and named him Luke after Luke Skywalker, sweet Carl the cat of the Goon Squad passed away, most of the ducks moved away to live with someone else, a few guineas died, we found what Aaron dubbed a "rat egg" in the chicken coop, learned that the himalayan cat is a girl and finally gave her a name (Hermione), and shut the greenhouse up for the winter after a huge tomato and jalapeƱo pepper harvest.
Oh AND Mrs. Ticklefeather (my buff duck) was hit by a car but survived, we found a game shop in town that hosts RPGs, Aaron built me a table, I took a needlepoint class, Aaron's dear friend Bil came for New Year's, our Aunt Jeanie and Uncle Dan came for a visit, I had Thanksgiving in Florida, I had to kill a mouse in Aaron's house, Atticus stole a rabbit fur from a neighbor and some animal chewed a hole in the side of the greenhouse.
We also, sadly, lost our Grandma Jan. She went in her sleep. She had a long and wonderful life. We should all be so lucky to have a life like that and a death so peaceful. I miss her a lot and often forget she's gone.
Her memorial was earlier this month in Vancouver. It was the first time Aaron and I left the farm at the same time for more than an overnight. Everyone survived our absence but the cats were furious. The dogs, who got to go to an overnight boarding facility, were just happy we came back. The cats, on the other hand, held grudges against us that took weeks for them to get over. Except for Chairman Meow. I'm not sure he even noticed we were gone. He likes to range far and wide and only comes home on occasion. I'm not happy about that, but he's his own cat and at least checks in with us every few weeks. All I can do is keep him up to date on his shots and make sure there's food out for him if he hasn't been a successful hunter. Lucy and Hermione took a long time to forgive us for leaving them.
So I won't go into detail about every single thing. You get the gist- weirdness, farm life, dogs... blah blah blah.
Here are a few photos I happen to have already downloaded. Of course they are all dog photos. I'll post more non-dog photos. Eventually.
Once upon a time Luke and Callie were the same size.
Baby Luke.
Wiley so happy hiding in the weeds.
Atticus, Luke and Wiley at my parent's house.
Atticus and Luke are best friends.
Dogs love car rides.
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