
27 October, 2013

An eventful day

Today Aaron and I painted the ceiling of the studio where I will live eventually. We had prepped yesterday and got a lot done today. Tomorrow will be the walls. It is more of a pain in the ass than regular painting because the ceiling and walls are untreated plywood. They were/are previously a peachy cream color that was not my style. There is also a dark brown paint in the kitchen area and the bathroom is maroon.

Towards the end of the day Wiley started limping and licking his right paw excessively. He's a total drama queen, and I have learned not to panic even when he is. He was acting as if it were broken or cut badly. Neither of those things seem to be the case. In fact, for the 2 hours before the paw issue came around, he was sleeping soundly on the floor of the main room while Aaron and I painted in the bathroom and kitchen. So we have no idea what happened but I ended up having to stop early and CARRY him back down to the main house. Yes, 30 pounds of dramatic, panicky dog in my arms as I walk down a hill of uneven terrain. I am pleased to report that I didn't fall and break both our necks. Once I got him in the house and had him laying on his bed, I gave him his 'happy' pills (yes, prozac for dogs and OF COURSE Wiley takes it- why would you think he didn't?) and an anti-histimine to help him chill and address any swelling his paw might have. An hour later I had to go close up the barn and when I came back, the high prince of all things drama was up and jumping on me with waggy tail and all. He even followed me upstairs when I went to go change out of my stinky work clothes. So... long story short (too late!)... Wiley is fine. He's now eaten his dinner and is back napping on his bed. My family might think it's funny that I ended up with a dog as dramatic as Wiley, seeing as I was known for my over-the-top reactions to the mundane when I was younger.

The other news of the day is that the hens have a whole new area to run around in! There is a fenced in area- longer than it is wide- right next to their old muddy run. So Aaron clipped an opening in the fence for them and they all got super excited and ran right through to explore their new world. In the meantime, Wanda One-Eye has taken up residency in the backyard of the studio. If I haven't mentioned before, the studio has a fenced in little yard attached to it. There's no protective roof, since it was really just for the dogs, but I blocked it off and put Wanda in there. I gave her a little structure for a home- an an old dog crate with her old branch to roost on. I also put an old blanket I found in the barn over the crate to give her some shelter and I found an old door from a kitchen that serves as a roof, just in case it rains. I'll work on creating something better for her over the next week, but I think she's super happy to be out of that cramped cage that she was in before. Now, she's able to roam all over the grass and stretch her wings. And she's even able to peer into the studio and watch me, which is what I suspect she will do a lot of. The only thing is that I have to go and put her into the crate and close the door at night so that she stays safe from predators. But that's not a big deal. She's comfortable around me already and lets me pick her up and even pet her. I'll take photos tomorrow.

Tomorrow I should be getting my truck and once I do, Aaron and I will go and get a door for his room and a new mattress for him. We will also do our best to finish painting the studio.

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