First off, my hands, as the blog post title indicates, are in dire need of love and attention. They are ripped up and dry. I wear gloves as much as possible, but that's not enough. Tonight Aaron and I drove to Lowe's to get a few more supplies and one of them is a product I hope works to repair my hands. It's called O'Keeffe's Working Hands Hand Cream. I'll take a before and after photo if it works.
Aaron has been helping me to paint the studio, or as my father keeps calling it: The Clubhouse. I don't know where he's getting that from. Painting the studio is a lot more work than we initially thought it would be. Most of the painting is on plywood or raw wood. Even though it was already painted, it's still a lot of work. We had to get extra nappy roller brushes and the nylon paint brushes we have are being shredded. Hopefully everything will be done by Thursday afternoon. Here are some photos of our progress:
The back of the studio- the back door leads to a fenced in porch that is too narrow for my taste and also a fenced in backyard that was for the dogs. It is now where Wanda One-Eye lives.
Wanda One-Eye and her new digs.
Wanda showing off her missing eye side.
A better portrait of my special chicken girl. She's gotten so comfortable with me that she comes to me when I go to visit her and she coos when I pet her. She likes to spend her afternoons watching us while we paint.
The area that I think will be my art space.
Aaron working hard. He finished this room today and it looks marvelous.
Taking a break to help Dad with some computer questions.
The kitchen and bedroom in the back
After painting that brown wall, with a view of the back of the studio and gas heater.
After I did some painting, I decided the shelves had to be removed. Aaron took care of that for me.
Shelves removed, wall painted in kitchen.
The bedroom wall. The stacked brown box things are the cupboards that were originally installed over the toilet in the bathroom. (To the left in this picture) I don't think I want them re-installed.
The other side of the bedroom. I just finished painting this today. From this window I can see to the tree that the Guinea fowl roost and also the Pit of Time.
After looking at these photos, I realize the original color of the walls is poorly represented. The color is less yellow and more peach. In fact, the color we are trying to paint over is somewhere in between yellow and peach... and it doesn't sit well with me. The brown for sure had to go and in the bathroom- of which I have not yet taken photos of- is a dark maroon color. So I have decided to just paint everything white and see where I go from there. My experience is that having an all white apartment helps make it feel bigger and more airy and the artwork I hang is so colorful, that anything other than white would be too much. The raw wood, what little is left unpainted from the previous owners, will eventually be varnished. Some of it is really beautiful and I think I can help it look beautiful without it giving me splinters.
Also, there has been some requests to post photos of the main house. I don't have a lot of photos so far, but what I do have is this:
The kitchen
Aaron in the dining room after breakfast.
The gas stove that sits to the side of the dining area.
The living room with all of my stuff in it. This view is from the kitchen.
The other side of the living room.
The back wall of the living room. If you were facing this way and turned around, you would be looking out the front window to the main road.
The guest bathroom just off the living room and kitchen area.
The sink of the guest bathroom.
The view of the side door from the living room, looking through the kitchen.
I'll try to take more photos tomorrow, and maybe even a video tour!
The only other news I can report is that I made oatmeal date & raisin cookies and did a few more twists to my usual recipe and they came out amazing. I would have liked them a bit crispier, but I am still getting used to this particular oven.
Oh, and also we had a swarm of ladybugs in the yard today and it was WEIRD. We were covered in them and the house was too. It was like dawn of the dead but with ladybugs.
Wait wait- I know I keep saying this but for serious, ONE LAST THING: (and it's the best)
Last night I had the best dream in the history of ever! I dreamt I was invited to go into space and visit another planet with humanoids living on it. And I was invited to participate in the ultra cool activity by GOD. No joke. GOD invited me to come see His other creations. Turns out, GOD is a pretty cool dude. Who knew? We hung out for a while at a craft fair and looked at the local artwork and saw this other world's version of a crocodile herd shuffle down one of the alleys of the arts and crafts festival. We sampled some treats, talked to people while lounging on beautiful woven blankets and learned a lot about this other world. GOD just wanted me and the others to see what else he created besides us, and since we were his first, he wanted to share his new work with us! When we got back to our world, He asked me to join the team permanently and so of course I say yes. Why would anyone turn that offer down? But after I say yes, I find out that I actually just joined up with the Ghostbusters! Seriously! And we were headed off on another exploration adventure. GOD had the Stay-Puff marshmallow man come to send us off on our next voyage. It was an amazing reunion- everyone was crying tears of joy to see an old friend. And then it was time for us to be transported and GOD ushered us down to the meadow that we were set to leave from, and the Stay-Puff marshmallow man saluted us as we went. Then I woke up.
Seriously, I do not exaggerate when I say it was the best dream I have ever had EVER.