
20 August, 2013


The farm we are bidding on is in a town called Cookeville. There is a big university nearby- Tennessee Tech. I did some research and found that it has a lot of art classes offered to the public.

My brother has arrived back in Tennessee and tomorrow we will go to Cookeville so he can see the farm in person. We're going to sign the paperwork after that. Then it's just a matter of getting the VA loan officer out to inspect the property and signing the bank paperwork. I know, I'm making it sound like it's gonna happen super quick- and maybe it will- but in reality it could take weeks to hammer out all the financial stuff.

This property is under our budget, so if all goes as I hope, and we get to call this farm home; we'll have saved quite a bit of money. Enough to also buy the tractor, front loader, brush hog, ATV, and Dixie riding mower.

I still need a truck, but that's not part of the business expense plan.

In the spring I hope to have a flock of ducklings, chicks, and goslings. I also hope to have my bees before even that. It's a great location for bees and a small flock of fowl. The fowl will be the most work, hands down. I am really looking forward to having my first taste of my bee's honey and my flock's eggs.

Wiley is still behaving himself. He's not had any more issues like the last one. He is back on his medication, which I'm sure helps. The big deal will be when we run out of the medication.... because he clearly needs it. I tried to get an extra bottle of meds before leaving NYC. The problem was the medication jumped up to about $200 a bottle. Which is completely insane. Hopefully the vet down here can find an alternative.

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